VirtualTam's bookmarks

  1. The X-Pack plugin comes with a subscription plan and a 30-day trial license:

    Once the license has expired, a number of features become unavailable, among which is user management (authentication, authorization).

  2. It's not a bug, it's a feature! "It was working in my head"

  3. Python's built-in unittest module is quite cool, but a bit limited and way too verbose (read: it's quite not easy to incite developers to write unit tests)

    I'm currently looking for more dev-friendly solutions, the key points being:

    • writing test code should be easy and straight-forward -keep the focus on "what to test" instead of "how to transcribe a process to a test"
    • parallelization! -we, spoiled developers, should make good use of our way-too-many-cores build machines...
    • complete feature set!
      • we don't want to just run tests...
      • coverage reports (find dead/weak/untested code sections)
      • output formatting (JUnit-XML seems to be quite a common format out there)

    There seem to be 3 solutions in Python:

    • stock unittest + project-dependent customizations / test helpers
    • nosetests
    • py.test

    And 2 ways of gettings things done:

    • keeping things stock: no external dependency, project-specific implementation...
    • using a test framework: one more module in your (test) virtualenv, more concise tests, more features (// run, code coverage, etc.)

    Some links:

  4. Combinaison de morceaux choisis d'un discours bien léché, à la gestuelle animée, et d'une bande son riche en émotions. Il est à la fois intéressant et cocasse de voir à quel point la musique et la gestuelle influent sur la perception du message...

    [EN] Combination of selected pieces of a well-rehearsed political speech/interview, featuring wide gestures, and emotion-rich music. It's both interesting and surprising to see how the background music genre, coupled to the spokesperson's gestures, can alter or reinforce the essence of the speech...

  5. Plenty of fun tasks, riddles and puzzles to solve altogether with learning Python!

    Get ready for:

    • basic Python exercises (data structures, language features, common libraries)
    • a handful exercises on string and data processing
    • algorithmics! pathfinding, map exploration, optimization...
  6. Minetest Essentials 2014-09-18



    [Mods:Trivia] (this is going to be an incremental section, I guess)









  7. Classic Disney animated films. Now with Grumpy Cat!

    This series features well known Disney films with the Internet's most famous grouchy feline in place of one of the characters.

    The concept is simple: the appearance of the cat must derail the plot of the film.